Community Garden

Ms. Alix

Herbs and Greens

Ms. Alix is looking forward to welcoming classes into the Columbian School garden to show students the variety of vegetables, fruits, and flowers growing there, taste some of the fresh produce, have students help harvest, save seeds, and create some outdoor crafts. This season our school garden is being cared for by the organization SustainEd Farms, which Ms. Alix works for and she has been designated to our garden growing produce that goes into a Farm Box program as well as for donation to families in need. Besides working with SustainEd Farms in our garden, she is the director of a school farm in Denver where she teaches K-7th graders about sustainability, managing a small farm, outdoor art, and making farm-to-table dishes.

Thanks! Alix

We would LOVE a parent to help support this! If you are passionate about gardening, the environment and kids, please reach out!