Academics and Educational Programs

Student in costume in class

Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Children who are three or four years old before October 1 each year may apply for our ECE program. We have Full-Day programing for our ECE 3 and ECE 4 classrooms. There is a small student – teacher ratio with a strong focus on learning through play. Our curriculum focuses on oral language development in the student’s primary language. Literacy through stories and experiences is an important part of the curriculum and math activities that are interactive and “hands-on” teach very beginning skills. Social interactions and structured play help students learn to become friends and help one another. It is an absolute JOY to see our smallest students loving to learn.


Students receive three hours of literacy instruction and practice daily. Time is divided into direct instruction, small group and individual conferences, independent reading and writing, and sharing among group members. Students read and write in a variety of genres and for authentic purposes. We focus not only on providing highly rigorous instruction but also ensuring our Columbian scholars LOVE to read.


Columbian uses Bridges Into Mathematics, an inquiry-based Math program that focuses on conceptual learning of the Common Core State Standards. Our teachers plan deeply for both the conceptual and procedural components of mathematics through whole group, small group and personalized instruction. Math is the language of the 21st century and our Columbian students leave us with a deep understanding of and appreciation for the importance of “speaking” it well.


Students in Kindergarten – 5th grades have one to one technology available to them. Our teachers balance a need for being tech savvy with the understanding that it must be paired with hands-on, experiential learning. We use our technology to dig more deeply into areas of interest, do research and share our learning.

Library Media Center

Our library is a warm and welcoming space that reminds our students that the joys of a great book are limitless. Our scholars visit the library weekly to choose books they love, hear wonderful stories and take a quiet moment to enjoy a great read.